Far Cry 2 Wiki
FC2 Reuben Oluwagembi

Reuben Oluwagembi

A journalist, once exiled from his native Nigeria, now working as a war correspondent for a major British news agency. Based at their Johannesburg bureau, Oluwagembi has been on the ground for every major conflict on the African continent in the last five years. It was while covering the civil war that he first heard rumors of The Jackal's involvement. — Far Cry 2 manual
Reuben Oluwagembi is a freelance journalist reporting from Port Selao, covering the ongoing civil war and the escalating violence throughout the country. Reuben has covered "war news" from all over Africa. His stories have been featured in a number of prominent newspapers around the world. In 2003, he was awarded "The Parsons-Page Award" for reporting on the Igandu train disaster in Tanzania.
He gives the Player information on the events happening. Also at the end of the game we see him taking photos of the Refugees crossing the Border to safety.
His blog can be accessed by this link : http://www.reubenblog.typepad.com/

See also
